Sapa it’s north of Vietnam and one of the best places for you to do some trekking in Sapa. The best season for visiting Sapa is from July until the beginning of September. During this month of the Year New, you will have the amazing view of doing some trekking in Sapa, but if you are planning to visit Sapa in the winter and do trekking in Sapa it can be very cold or foggy weather but it’s still nice to do the tours.

How Difficult is trekking in Sapa?

If you are trekking in Sapa between the end of May and the end of September, you will need to bring some T-shirts-, good trekking shoes, suncream, a hat, mosquito repellant and raincoats.
If the weather is very rainy there are some places where you can rent gumboots for your trekking in Sapa, to do trekking in sapa if the weather is getting rainy the path will be slippery for trekking in sapa, We highly recommend rent gumboots for you to do trekking in Sapa, the gumboots a waterproof so are very useful for trekking. If you want to rent the gumboots for trekking in sapa, you will then have to ask your tour guides where to rent the gumboots.

Trekking in sapa summer

trekking in Sapa in summer the weather will be around 26-27-28 degrees but the hotter day is 35 degrees but it does not happen that quite often. From the end of June until the beginning of September, you will see the am amazing rice field of Sapa. This time of the Year it’s the best time to visit Sapa and trekking in Sapa.

Sapa winter time from October until April, if you are planning to visit Sapa this month of the Year New you will be able to see the cloud or foggy, sunny weather or just see nothing. In the winter time if you want to go trekking in Sapa, you will then need to check the weather forecast before you plan to visit Sapa otherwise you will not be able to see anything.

This is the link where you can check the weather forecast in Sapa to make your trekking in Sapa get better.

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