Sapa is in North Vietnam located in Lao Cai City.
The altitude is 1,600m over sea level, 376 km from Ha Noi.
About the temperature Month of hot and cold
Sapa weather summer time
May 20.1°C 23.0°C 15.4°C
June 23.3°C 26.9°C 19.7°C
July 25.8°C 29.10°C 20.9°C
August 26.8°C 30.0°C 25.11°C
September 18.4°C 23.8°C 17.1°C
Sapa weather winter time
October 14.3°C 20.1°C 13.6°C
November 12.4°C 15.4°C 12.4°C
December 9.0°C 13.2°C 5.0°C
January 4.0°C 10.1°C 8.8°C
February 10.8°C 15.0°C 9.9°C
March 13.5°C 17.4°C 11.1°C
April 16.9°C 24.5°C 14.6°C
1: Sapa summer time, from July until September, the landscape gets very green and colourful. From June the local ethnic minority people started to plant their rice fields, At the beginning of September, the local people started to harvest their rice fields. If you wish to see the rice field in Sapa please come at the beginning of September.
From June until September you can bring some summer clothing, raincoats, sunscreen and if you want to do some trekking, please bring some trekking shoes.

2: Wintertime from October until March, At this time of the Year the Hmong ethnic minority people start to make their traditional clothing for the lunar new year. As a Hmong culture, it’s very important to have new traditional clothing for their family.

Sapa weather is so cold the locals can’t grow their rice or corn during winter time, that way if you are visiting Sapa at this time of the year you will not see the rice fields due we only grow our corn and rice filed crops in summer time. Sometime there are some ice or snow on the peak of Fansipan mountain. Sapa had the most snowed since in 2013 but since 2013 until now there are no snow in the centre of sapa.

3: In springtime, there is one garden of green tea with a lot of blossoms and around 10 Km away from Sapa town it is in O Quy Ho. You will need to pay for the ticket to go in. The blpssoms only have from February until March.
If you want to know what sapa weather looks like please click this link to get more information about sapa weather.