Hello Everyone. My name is Mai and I was born in Sapa. I am from the Hmong ethnic minorities people. I grew up going to a forested mountain in Sapa to collate woods for a fire. We use the woods to burn and make fire for cooking. I do know very well about the forest in Sapa and what it looks like. Our mountain here is not the same as European mountains.
When you enter the forest at the beginning there is a small that where you can follow where you want to go but the more you go more deepper there is no path to follow. It’s very easy to get lost in the mountains.
I saw some of the western people who are not living in Sapa and wrong some blog posts that you can go to Fansipan trek without a local guide.
Do you think you will trust a person who is not living in Sapa and just visited Sapa once and is wrong about a blog post that you can trek to Fansipan mountain without a guide?
Why you do not trust some local people who have been living in Sapa for 23 years and know more about the Fansipan mountain?
Fansipan trek without guide news
Sa Pa town police searched all night for a foreign tourist lost in the forest of Hoang Lien National Park. Immediately after receiving a report from 19:45 on November 4, 2024 from Ms. Seriana Maria Lerch, born in 1997, Swiss nationality, about her boyfriend getting lost while visiting Hoang Lien National Park, Sa Pa town. Sa Pa town police deployed forces to verify information about the incident and Mr. Bryan Hanselman’s residence in Sa Pa town. Through verification, it was determined that the last place the tourist appeared was about 300m south of the T2 post, Hoang Lien National Park, Sin Chai village, Hoang Lien commune, Sa Pa town. Sa Pa town police quickly coordinated with Hoang Lien National Park to mobilize a force of 25 people to search for the lost person along the route from Cat Cat stream to Hoang Lien National Park. All measures were quickly deployed, requesting Sun Group to light high-pressure lamps at T1 and T2 pillars to support the lost person’s orientation, and continue to coordinate with Ms. Seriana Maria Lerch to contact and search for the lost person. At about 00:45 on November 5, 2024, after nearly 3 hours of traveling through the forest, the organization divided into 4 search teams in 4 directions around the T2 axis. At about 1:00 on November 5, 2024, the lost tourist was approached in a state of hypothermia and panic. At 4:00 a.m. today, November 5, 2024, the search team took Mr. Bryan Hanselman to the nearest police station to recover his spirit and health. Through questioning, the tourist said that he went to Hoang Lien National Park to explore and got lost and disoriented. Here, Mr. Bryan Hanselman, a Swiss tourist, was extremely moved and wrote a letter of sincere thanks to the Sa Pa town police force.

Those tourists who want to trek Fansipan mountain are all required to send passports for the permit. The tourists can not buy their permit only an agency that organisation tours can get the permit. Even though the tour guides are required to have the Fansipan mountain tour guides license. If the tour guide does not have a Fansipan mountain tour guide license they are not allowed to take the gust for the Fansipan trek.
We also offer some mountain trekking tours if you are interested you can have a look at one of Fansipan’s mountain Tours.
If you do not have much time in Sapa you can book our 1-day Fansipan mountain tours. total of climbing Fansipan Mountain takes 7 hours to reach the summit. Once you reach the top of Fansipan mountain if the weather is clear you will see Sapa town and the amazing mountain of Fansipan.

Fansipan mountain it’s very cold in the wintertime, Sometimes snow or ice is on the peak of the mountain. The coldest month in Sapa is from December until February. If you decide to climb Fansipan mountain between the two of this month please bring some warm clothing, good trekking shoes, and a raincoat and bring some cash with you if you want to take the cable car back to Sapa. On our tour, we do not include cable tickets so just bring some money with us in case you want to take the cable car back to Sapa instead of walking back to Tram Tom Pass, our car will pick you up from there and return to Sapa town.

If you can not climb Fansipan mountain you just take a cable car to the peak of the Fansipan mountain. At the peak of the mountain, you can do the Fansipan trek without a guide around on the summit of Fansipan mountain.

If you can not climb Fansipan mountain you just take a cable car to the peak of the Fansipan mountain. At the peak of the mountain, you can do the Fansipan trek without a guide around on the summit of Fansipan mountain.

The best time to go up Fansiapn by cable car is usually in the afternoon time as now Fansipan mountain is the best to watch the sunset. The cable car is open during the week from 7:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. but on the weekend, they close early which is 4 p.m they close the cable car. The Fansipan cable car is the best way to go Fansipan trek without guide.